Thursday, April 20, 2006

an update to appease!!

Ok...since Kym emailed me and took note of how I DON'T update my blog...AND Pamela made a special notation illustrating that I indeed DON'T or pretty much "never" update my blog...this is in honor of them!!

Where do I start...not too much new on my front. Let's see...oh...I just got myself onto (about time since i've been working in this damn industry for oh, 10 years now!). You can look me up by typing in my first and last name. It's a work in progress and i'm still waiting for the shows to start popping up. Kind of cool's like my job has been validated lol. Also, in terms of work...I operated camera on a documentary last year that was entered into Sundance this year and apparently it did pretty well. It's called "An Inconvenient Truth" and covers the topic of global warming. It was a project initiated by Al Gore...the main dude starring in the film and directed by Davis Guggenheim ("Deadwood" amongst others and married to the actress Elisabeth Shue). There is a private crew and cast screening at Paramount in May and we are all really excited about it...let's cross our fingers that it will get an Academy nod under Documentary. Wouldn't THAT be cool...even if I didn't get a statue, i'd at least get a certificate from the Academy! So wish the litte film luck!!

Chris and I are doing absolutely fabulous...he pretty much lives with me without living with me if that makes sense. lol He still has his apartment with a roomie but spends most of his time at my abode. It's been an adjustment seeing as I haven't 'lived' with anyone since Kym and I shared space in Brentwood...and she knows how THAT is!! I take the good with the bad...but it's mostly GREAT. We were planning a trip to Maui in October but have recently nixed the idea in order to save money to pay bills and to possibly purchase a home to flip and turn a profit. Still in need...desperate need...of a vacation however!! We ARE heading to Houston, TX the first weekend in June for one of his cousin's weddings, so for now, that will have to do. Perhaps if we can muster the funds we'll still go somewhere later in the year.

Just spent Easter in the desert with the fam...Chris and I dyed eggs, went to church ( heard me...I went to church!) and then ate a french brunch with mom and grandma. Traffic was a nightmare...5 hours there from LA...but not so bad for the return trip...the usual 2 or so. Thankfully the spectacular 85 and 90 degrees made it all worth the first tan lines of the season!! Woo woo.

Anyhoo...I shall most definitely try to keep you all abreast of my goings on more frequently...bear with me!!!

Hope all's well with everyone and that you are enjoying what's left of your April!!~~C