So a couple of weeks ago I find myself standing in the kitchen, minding my own business and doing the dishes, when all of a sudden Chris pops in with a kitty in his arms and he says, "Can we keep him? Huh huh?"
Apparently this little cat sprang out of the bushes when my neighbor was out one night calling to her own kitties to come inside. He had a collar but no name tag...and she kept him for a day after looking for 'Missing' signs. BUT...since she already has three cats and doesn't want to be known as that crazy lady with all the cats like in the TLC "Life Lessons" commercials, she had to find him a home. Which is what brought Chris bounding into the kitchen!
Of course one I saw the little guy's face, how could I possibly turn him out on the street? lol He's AWESOME to say the least and has been living with us for just over three weeks now...totally potty trained, very active, extremely into the bathtub (he loves to jump in after someone bathes and then chase his tail...odd one that guy). So...thought i'd include pics of "Stevie" fo you all to see. We officially named him Steve McQueen because he darts about the apartment full speed and he has green eyes like the "Bullet" mustang in the film!!