Hey all...been awhile since i've been online. Need to make a mental note to self on that one!
Self: get your ass online more often and write crap down so your friends and family know what's happening in your life!!
So...as the header reflects...I went to San Diego last weekend after getting last minute tickets (thank you thank you thank you Ticketmaster for releasing some tix for us SoCal peeps the night before the game!). Ended up going with my friend Jen, an AVID Giants fan (bless her little heart for wearing the Brady jersey I forced upon her...although, damn her for covering it up and adamantly stating that she was indeed a Giants fan when people questioned her about the Pats!).
The day started with a train ride at 8am from Union Station to Old Town San Diego, followed by a short trolley journey which dropped us off front and center at Qualcomm Stadium. We then tailgated with umpteen million Charger's fans...one of which hollered out my name as I walked by, much to my surprise. Turned out it was my old buddy, Morgan, from high school of all things...and he had been my first kiss! Hehehehe. Odd to bump into him...
Our seats were GREAT! 50 yard line just above the field...sat there until the half at which time we moved down to some seats with friends (they snuck up their tix for us so we could come down)...and they were ON THE FIELD...3rd row, 50 yard line! Lovely view of the player's behinds. :)
After our amazing win I cheered loudly and heckled ALL the people around me since we WERE in the Charger's section...
We left the game, drunk as skunks, and found ourselves standing in the 5000 people deep trolley line. Of course, we ended up missing our train back to LA so we spent an hour in a brewery Downtown until we could catch the 8:30 train. So after a long ass day of fun screaming and drinking...we FINALLY made it back to La La Land around 11:30pm. Needless to say, I was not a happy camper come morning when i had to go to work!!
Good times had by all...jut too bad we didn't pull it off against the darn Colts. :(