Friday, May 19, 2006

Me in NYC

Was TRYING to post this as my main pic but I seem to be computer illiterate! lol Sooo...y'all get to see a pic of me from January here in BOLD! It was taken after eating the BEST sushi ever, in a cab (the picture was taken in the cab, not the eating of the fishies) on the way to see Chris's sister, Katie, as the Clara in "The light in the Piazza."


Kym and Michael said...

must have been Nobu. ugh, i miss NY.

carrie said... was Gari Sushi on 79th and Broadway!!

Kym and Michael said...

see, i'm so out of the loop. i'm so not cool anymore (not like i ever was)!

btw, you look like a model in this perty :)